About Us
The aim of our work as the Project Support Centre is to support the scientific community in the preparation and implementation of projects financed from non-university sources, in particular from structural funds, European Commission programmes, domestic and international research programmes (e.g. financed by the National Science Centre), research and development (e.g. National Centre for Research and Development).
We are divided into specialized sections within which we provide support at all stages of project work. Starting from assistance in finding a source of financing, through administrative and formal support during conceptual and application work, to assistance during the implementation of projects. Our offer is therefore comprehensive and allows engaged researchers to catch an “administrative breath” while focusing on substantive issues.
The Project Support Centre also coordinates the cooperation of research teams with other units of the University – in the field of finance, intellectual property rights, or commercialization of research results.
You can meet our people both in offices and in the field: some of us work at Collegium Minus and Iuridicum, and some carry out their duties on all campuses of the University.