Horizon Europe

The European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework Program is the largest research and innovation initiative in the history of the EU.  It will allocate a record budget of €95.5 billion over seven years (2021-2027) for innovative research and solutions.

The program focuses on three pillars:

  1. Excellent science base
    The first pillar of the program – Excellent science – aims to strengthen the quality of the Union’s science base and raise the competitiveness of the European Union’s research and innovation on a global scale.
    It consists of the following specific objectives:
    – European Research Council (ERC)
    – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).
    – Research Infrastructure.


  2. Global challenges and industrial competitiveness in Europe
    The second pillar of Horizon Europe is collaborative research on societal challenges facing Europe and strengthening technological and industrial capabilities through thematic areas (clusters) addressing the entire spectrum of global challenges.
    This pillar includes the following clusters:
                 – Health
                 – Culture, creativity and an inclusive society
                 – Civil security for the benefit of society
                 – Digital technologies, industry, space
                 – Climate, energy, mobility     
                 – Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment.

Activities in these clusters will be strengthened by scientific advice, technical support and special research by the Joint Research Center (JRC), the European Commission’s scientific service.

  1. Innovative Europe
    The European Commission has introduced as the third pillar on which Horizon Europe is based a new initiative: the European Innovation Council (EIC). The EIC’s task is to support emerging and disruptive innovations in start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as in mid-cap companies. This activity will complement the work of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). In addition, European Innovation Ecosystems will be strengthened through networking with regional and national innovators.

    In addition, it includes a Wider Participation component, strengthening the European Research Area, and the activities of the Joint Research Center.

Horizon Europe supports scientific excellence through the European Research Council (ERC) and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). The program stimulates systemic transformation, guiding researchers and innovators toward green, healthy and resilient solutions for Europe.

Thematic clusters, such as “Climate, Energy and Mobility” and “Digital Technologies, Industry and Space,” focus on global challenges. The “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society” cluster strengthens cultural research, and the “Health” cluster addresses pandemics, clinical research and health innovation.

Horizon Europe develops research capacity by encouraging participation, narrowing the gap in scientific excellence and strengthening the European Research Area. It is introducing initiatives, such as the European Innovation Council (EIC), to support innovation and small businesses.

EU missions are a new feature of the program, focusing on everyday challenges, such as fighting cancer and adapting to climate change. European partnerships cover key areas such as energy, transportation, health and food.

Horizon Europe emphasizes cooperation with other EU programs and policies, with the goal of effective use of research and innovation results and rapid dissemination of information at national and regional levels.

Please apply for the competition, by email: cwp@amu.edu.pl, as soon as possible after deciding to apply.

IMPORTANT: EU research funding grants involve more work than national competitions. We know from experience that in the case of an International Leader, the preparation and subsequent consultation of the substantive part and the budget can take up to six months. When UAM acts as a Partner the minimum time for fine-tuning the budget and paperwork is one month.

In the process of preparing the proposal, our University provides support from people experienced in both preparing and evaluating proposals for the European Commission.

A key element of the budget is the salaries for members of the research team, which must be calculated in accordance with the Regulations on Remuneration of the UAM. Failure to consult the budget with CWP and underestimation of salary costs may result in UAM not proceeding with the awarded project and the partnership agreement not being signed.