Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

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Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań is one of the best academic centers in Poland and a research university. The university’s reputation is influenced by tradition, outstanding scientific achievements of its academic staff, an attractive program of student education and excellent facilities.



The competition is aimed at representatives of a wide variety of scientific fields, and there are no thematic restrictions. A grant of up to PLN 1.8 million can be obtained for the implementation of individual ideas.

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The SONATINA competition aims to support the career development of young researchers. The planned project must include scientific research. It can be both fundamental research and applied research.

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In the DAINA competition it is possible to receive funds for the remuneration of the research team, scholarships for students or doctoral students, purchase or manufacture of scientific and research equipment and cover other costs related to expenses necessary for the implementation of the Polish part of the research project.

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